Work Permit
Mr. Garcia
Student Advisor/ Coordinator of Services
A Work Permit is a legal document that allows a minor the permission to work.
- Worker’s Compensation,
- Ensuring minimum wage,
- Determining hazardous jobs, and
- Enforcing student work hours.
All minors under the age of 18 must have a work permit.
- Including minors that are employed by parents and/or family; and
- Except for minors who have high school diplomas or passed the state equivalency exam (GED or HiSET).
Work Permits are required all year. Including all school recesses and holidays.
Work Permits provide protection of the minor through:
- Fill out “Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit – Certificate of Age” form. Complete ALL required information
- Minor’s Information – Required
- Parent / Guardian Signature & Date – Required
- Employer Information and Signature – ALL Required
- Return COMPLETED form to Mr. Erick Garcia located in the Library Media Center
- Hand-Carry Work Permit to Employer, before starting work.
- Renew every semester.
High School graduates under the age of the 18 do not need a work permit.