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Activities Director

Lori Lowensen

633-5221 ext. 3255

ASB Account Technician

Rosie Rios

633-5221 ext. 3255


    As the Associated Student Body (ASB), we provide leadership and strive to create a high school environment in which all students feel well-represented and unified. We work toward achieving a safe, positive, and spirited atmosphere that makes students proud to be Condors. We will accomplish these goals by planning school-wide activities and events. Overall, our purpose is to create the best experience for North Monterey High School students today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

There are many ways to get involved. Find your thing and go for it Condors!

Student Government/ASB - Elected student body leaders represent and govern student affairs for the duration of one school year.  Every student who attends North Monterey Count High School is a member of the Associated Student Body. The ASB elected Cabinet members and appointed commissioners represent all of the students in planning, directing, and implementing all activities. The Activities Director overseas Leadership Students, student clubs and organizations, House of Advisory, and the Finance Office. The ASB Account Technician works with students, staff, and parents regarding student and club finances.

House of Advisory - Each Advisory class has a representative in the House of Advisories (HOA).  These representatives are elected by their classmates and attend all HOA meetings as the voice of their Advisory Class.  All representatives will report back to their classes about items discussed at the HOA meetings and bring forward any questions and concerns to the Speaker of the House from their Advisory Class.

Link Crew- Juniors and Seniors are eligible to be Link Crew Leaders and provide support to our freshman class as they move through their first year of high school.  Support includes help with academics, answering questions about events, and being a role model of how to be a Condor.


Chartered Clubs 2024-2025

We are proud to offer a variety of clubs on campus that meet the diverse needs of our student body.  Please see the list of clubs we have available.  See one you like? Join it.  Don't see one you like? Ask a teacher on campus if they will be your advisor and start a club of your own! See Mrs. Lowensen in Room 2 to get the answers to all of your club questions!

Chartered Clubs