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Library Catalog


    Want to see which books are in the NMCHS Library?

                                       Click on the button below.                                                                           




 You can search for books in our catalog using author, title, subject, or keyword.  A keyword search will yield the greatest number of results.  Please chat with a librarian if you need help! 

We don't have the book you're looking for?!

Try out our Partnership ILL system with Monterey County Free Libraries! 

How it works:

Sign up for a Public Library Card here at the High School library or online. Get your free Library Card and books delivered here the school!

Need help searching for books or putting a book on hold?

1. Open Catalog link

2. Click on North Monterey County High School

3. Click on the Login button

4. Put your username : student ID , enter your password

5. Click Login

6. Select the My Info Tab

7. Under My Info tab you will see all items you have checked out from the library